金沙集团1862cc成色学位委员会 副主席
中国政法大学大数据与智慧物流研究中心 主任
2004.8-至今, 金沙集团1862cc成色教授、博士生导师
2001.7-2004.8, 北京外国语大学国际金沙集团1862cc成色任电子商务系主任
1999.7-2001.9, 北京航空航天大学博士后,出站后直接授予副教授职称
中国政法大学钱端升讲座教授(2020),中国政法大学钱端升杰出学者支持计划(原:中国政法大学优秀中青年教师培养支持计划 A类(A类入选者全校共5人)),2016-2019。
- 承接2022冬奥会应急系统建设咨询项目,为应急系统的建设提供了网上网下防护设计、应急场所建设、应急设施配备等多项成果建议;
- 此外,近年来于淼教授为中国科学技术发展战略研究院(科技部直属)、广东省黄埔海关、东莞市商务局、东莞市发展和改革局在内的事业单位/政府机关,以及中冶集团、联想集团等公司在内的企业提供过数十次咨询服务。
- 国家自然科学基金项目 《基于波及效应的我国产业链升级路径研究》,任首席专家、项目主持人;
- 国家自然科学基金项目 《欧盟新能源战略中的科技政策体系研究》,任首席专家、项目主持人;
- 科技部国家技术预测专项重点项目《技术预测方法与政策实践国际比较研究》,任首席专家、项目主持人;
- 社科项目《TPP外部约束下我国融入国际价值链分工战略研究》,任首席专家、项目主持人;
- 社科项目《赛事物流运作模式及其绩效评价研究——以北京奥运物流为例》,任首席专家、项目主持人;
- 校级课题《新时代我国科技评价制度改革研究》,任首席专家、项目主持人。
- 《基于BERT算法的智慧量刑系统开发》
- 《新冠疫情背景下我国出口产品竞争力研究与趋势预测》
- 《海关人力资源管理优化设计研究》
- 《基于神经网络的轨道交通供应商优化研究》
- 《企冠智能供应链管理方案研究》
- 《基于人工智能的企业流程优化方案研究》
- 《东莞外贸发展“十三五”规划前期研究》
- 《关于TTP对东莞出口贸易、外商投资影响的研究》
- 《中国第二十二冶集团企业信息流程改造》
近三年已录用/ ONLINE/检索SSCI/SCI国际权威/核心期刊论文20篇:
(1)Miao Yu, Tao Liu, Zhengxiang Guan, Yimeng Sun, Jie Guo, Liuya Chen,Yajie He. SALSTM:an Improved LSTM Algorithm for Predicting the Competitiveness of Export Products. Journal of Intelligent Systems. (SCI, 中科院Q1区, IF:10.3)
(2)Miao Yu, Construction of Regional Intelligent Transportation System in Smart City Road Network via 5G Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (SCI, 中科院Q1区, IF:6.492)
(3)Yajie He, Menglei Kong, Chunshan Du, Dingyi Yao, Miao Yu. Communication Security Analysis of Intelligent Transportation System Using 5G Internet of Things from the Perspective of Big Data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (SCI, 中科院Q1区, IF:6.492)
(4)Yu Miao, Xin Jin , Menglei Kong , Pang Xu.The Complexity of Supply Chain System’s Logistics Financial Management and Dynamic Non-Linear System. Fractals-complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society. (SCI, 中科院Q1区, IF:4.5)
(5)Xin Jin , Menglei Kong, Jiye Hu, Xiao Deng, Miao Yu. Supply Chain Joint Scheduling and Algorithm Using Continuity of Nonlinear Differential Equation Function. Fractals-complex Geometry Patterns And Scaling In Nature And Society. (SSCI, JCR Q2区, IF:4.5)
(6)Miao Y A , Yue M , Di W C , et al. How do zombie firms affect debt financing costs of others: From spillover effects views. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. (SSCI, JCR Q2区, IF:2.514)
(7)Yu M , Ding X , Sun H , et al. Role of fuzzy fractional differential equation in the construction of low carbon economy statistical evaluation system. AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal(SCI, JCR Q1区, IF:3.6)
(8)Ren G W , Yu M , Yin D S , et al. Design and optimization of integrated energy management network system based on internet of things technology. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems. (SCI, JCR Q1区, IF:4.028)
(9)Miao Yu. Research on application of fractional calculus in signal analysis and processing of stock market. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (SCI,JCR Q1区,IF:3.064).
(10)Miao Yu. Research on early warning algorithm for economic management based on Lagrangian fractional calculus. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals (SCI,JCR Q1区,IF:3.064).
(11)Miao Yu. Volatility forecasting: Global economic policy uncertainty and regime switching. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (SSCI,JCR Q2,IF:2.132).
(12)Miao Yu. Management of expressway service area based on Integrated Optimization. Cognitive Systems Research (SSCI,IF:1.425).
(13)Miao Yu. Research on the system of smart city park based on cloud computing. Cluster Computing (SCI,JCR Q2, IF:2.04).
(14)Miao Yu. Comparison of Advantages and Disadvantages among Various Algorithms in Logistics Path Design——Taking H-group as an Example. Cognitive Systems Research (SSCI; IF:1.425).
(15)Miao Yu. Research on intelligent city energy management based on Internet of things. Cluster Computing (SCI,JCR Q2, IF:2.04).
(16)Miao Yu. Forecasting Bitcoin volatility: The role of leverage effect and uncertainty. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications (SSCI,JCR Q2,IF:2.132).
(17)Miao Yu. Logistics Terminal Distribution Mode and Path Optimization Based on Ant Colony Algorithm.Wireless Personal Communications.(SCI,JCR Q4,1.641).
(18)Miao Yu. A Solution of TSP Based on the Ant Colony Algorithm Improved by Particle Swarm Optimization.Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems.(SCI,JCR Q1,1.392)
(19)Miao Yu. Model for evaluating the E-commerce logistics service quality with hesitant fuzzy uncertain linguistic information,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. (SCI,JCR Q4,1.758)
(20)Miao Yu. The Optimization Solutions Method for Customs Risk with Random Dispatched Model.Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. (SCI,JCR Q4,1.758)
(21)Miao Yu. Research on the Supplier Selection Model of Closed-Loop Logistics Systems with Hesitant Fuzzy Information,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. (SCI,JCR Q4,1.758)